
This is an attempted marriage of Zen and Garland, the core theme. It is meant to be one of OTS (off the shelf themes).


  • 1, 2, or 3 column, fixed and fluid layout
  • Both sidebars are placed on the right, with additional top and bottom sidebars
  • Supports external link popups, inactive by default. Activate it on script.js
  • Custom feed icon
  • Compact search block
  • Optional header graphics
  • More color options, some adapted from kuler community
  • Cross-browser tested in IE7, Opera, Chrome and Firefox, you may need to install pngfix.module to help IE6 though

Credits and gratitudes to Zen and Garland creators.

Issues are welcomed to help me find the bugs! Patches are very much appreciated.

With Drupal 6 End of Life, this theme is obsolete, and I haven't found some time to update it, sorry. Please use more updated themes.


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