
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

Whitecanvas is a Drupal 8 Theme aimed to take advantage of SASS and twig. The goal is to have a theme that allows you to use different CSS Frameworks for different projects without much change.

The idea is that you can use a SASS variables and mixins to handle the grid and this should translate to the CSS Framework of your preference.

Also to use extensible blocks, so instead of overwriting templates you extend them, this will allow for a better upgrading and Template simplification, at least, that is the dream.

One theme, different CSS Frameworks. This theme is for themers that don't need much UI in the admin interface.

Right now the theme can be configured in UI to render the navbar in the desired framework and load the necessary JS and CSS for the framework that has been configured.

I have added a "Clean" Option that basically renders no JS and uses a very basic CSS, You can also use the Bare Option, which will recreate suggestions so no template is loaded, allowing the Front End Developer to create her own templates from scratch.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

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