USWDS - United States Web Design System Base


This is a base theme utilizing the United States Web Design System.

USWDS Project Site
Current USWDS tested version: 2.12.2

uswds_base Drupal Theme to official USWDS version required

uswds_base 2.0-2.3 should work with any version of USWDS 2.x

uswds_base 2.4+ requires USWDS 2.8+ due to bookmarks style

uswds_base 2.11 requires USWDS 2.11 due to instagram link

uswds_base 2.12 requires USWDS 2.12.x

Upgrade to 9

When upgrading from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9, just make sure to add core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9 into your custom subtheme info yml


Please take a look at the documentation. You will find things like an example of how to add a "Hero" type banner to your USWDS theme. Also instructions for the extended/mega menu and big footer. (column menus) Fixes and any CSS for Drupal will also be included in documentation / example sub-themes but not included in the primary theme folder.

Rules for this theme:

  • Major version of this theme will always reflect the major version of USWDS.
  • I'll do my best to line up the minor version with the official USWDS.
  • Drupal Core items that need class tags will only receive USWDS related tags.
  • No CSS or JS will be added to this theme. Only necessary items to apply USWDS style to core items. (Do your own in a subtheme)
  • Will try to keep all settings/code for this theme at a minimum.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

From the time of first install, there is a default option enabled using a CDN for remote USWDS assets. Of course, This should never be used for production. This was added to provide an ability to quickly see the theme in action. Also, you could utilize this and adjusting the URLs to test newer versions of USWDS.

Other USWDS Drupal related efforts

USWDS Drupal theme

Advanced abilities:

USWDS CKEditor Integration
USWDS Paragraph Components

Why use this theme and not that other Drupal USWDS theme?

Drupal uswds vs uswds_base theme: uswds_base is a minimalist approach to Drupal USWDS integration without using a Drupal Core base theme. No extra JS/CSS is added in the primary uswds_base theme. Some setting abilities are provided, but more of a minimal approach that still works for most implementations directly after install.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

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