
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

Faster and less bloated than Bootstrap. A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces with Drupal 8.x

Uikitty is recently updated. It is recommended to update your installation to the newest release.

The primary difference of this theme from others using UIKIT is it is specifically intended for designers and themers and allows you to build your own UIKIT theme and use it directly in custom theming your Drupal installation.

Installation instructions:

First, install the newest version of UIkitty.

Once you have the theme downloaded, go into the theme folder, for example: cd themes/uikitty

Create a new directory titled uikit and copy in the javascript and css folders from the dist folder of a uikit build.
A default build can be done quickly with yarn.
yarn add uikit or download the files manually here. Just make sure to put the css and js folders into the uikit folder.

Your uikitty theme folder should look like the folder structure in the above screenshot:

Once you have the uikit folder and the js and css added, you are good to go.

UIkitty works as a base theme, so check out one of the UIkitty themes like:
Release Branch

More to come soon.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

We also build custom Drupal themes


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