Teka Theme

Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

Teka is a Drupal theme built for performance, fast development and flexibility by MMDA. Its main purpose is to work as a sub-theme and to ease development by using Gulp tasks, sprite generation, Sass compilation, Sass mixins, the Bourbon Neat grid system and so on.

That's Teka. Easy to install, easy to configure, easy to use. What are you waiting for?

For documentation, visit the hotsite: Teka Hotsite



Download it or use Drush.

$ drush dl teka

Create a sub-theme

Install Yeoman. Open your terminal and type:

$ npm install -g yo

Now you need to install our Yeoman generator and run it.

$ npm install -g generator-teka
$ cd your_project/sites/all/themes/
$ yo teka

OK, now that Yeoman has generated all the files that you need, all you have to do is install NPM packages into your generated theme and then run 'gulp' in order to generate and compile all the dist files.

$ cd your_theme/
$ npm install --unsafe-perm
$ gulp

Sponsored by MMDA


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