Tailwind CSS Starter Kit

Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

This is a starter kit/demo theme for using Tailwind CSS within Drupal.

It contains a package.json file with the required dependencies, including Laravel Mix for compiling assets, and a preconfigured tailwind.js configuration file for compatibility with Drupal's default markup.

For demo purposes, you can add it to your site via Composer, or download it manually or using Drush, enable it and set it as your default theme. The compiled CSS is included within the project, so there's no need to run any commands - you can start using Tailwind classes straight away!

If you want to use it as a starter kit for your own theme, download it or clone the repo, rename the theme directory and any tailwindcss.* files, customise the tailwind.js file for your project and start building!

Click here to watch a demo of the theme being installed, or try it on simplytest.me.

Also, if you're interested in using Tailwind CSS with Drupal (using this theme or not), come and join us in #tailwindcss in the Drupal Slack!

This theme is not endorsed or supported by Tailwind Labs.





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