
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme


Development and maintenance for this theme is now taking place again. Drupal 7 release of SuperClean will be updated within a few days.

The SuperClean theme is intended to be a clean simple design which is standards-compliant and has documented source code. The layout is a 2-column fixed-width layout (in which the content goes full width if there is no site logo or blocks in the left sidebar).

The Goal

Most themes are somewhat difficult to modify with their complex designs, but SuperClean is written in a way that should be easier to find what you're looking for. We've commented everything to death and made sure it all, basically, would make sense to everyone.

Drupal 7 Release

The Drupal 7 release of SuperClean is now in beta. Please test it and report issues in the queue.


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