
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

The Stark theme is provided for demonstration purposes; it uses Drupal’s default HTML markup and CSS styles. It can be used as a troubleshooting tool to determine whether module-related CSS and JavaScript are interfering with a more complex theme, and can be used by designers interested in studying Drupal’s default markup without the interference of changes commonly made by more complex themes.

To avoid obscuring CSS added to the page by Drupal or a contrib module, the Stark theme itself has no styling, except just enough CSS to arrange the page in a traditional “Header, sidebars, content, and footer” layout. See the layout.css file for more information.

The Drupal 6 version

The Stark theme is now included in Drupal 7 core. This is an exact copy backported to Drupal 6.

The Drupal 7 version

This contrib version of Stark is an exact copy of the one in Drupal 7 core with one exception. This version now uses a responsive design that matches a Drupal 8 proposal to make Stark use a responsive layout.


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