
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

Prototype is a component based starting point for a Drupal 8/9 theme. The goal of Prototype is to provide a good forking point for custom a Drupal theme development by establishing a pattern of well organized SCSS components and a front-end build pipeline that utilizes SCSS, PostCSS, Webpack for JS bundling, Babel and Browsersync.

Post CSS and Babel respect .browserlistrc configuration, post processing CSS and JS as needed based on the browser versions defined.

Creating a sub-theme

To create a new sub-theme based on Prototype, it is recommended to use the Prototype Sub-theme Generator for Yeoman.

As long as you have NPM version 6.1+, with npx support, installed, you do not need to have Yeoman itself installed as a global dependency.


Create and cd into a new directory for your sub-theme.

mkdir web/themes/custom/my_new_sub_theme && cd web/themes/custom/my_new_sub_theme

Now run the generator and follow the prompts.

npm init yo prototype-subtheme

That should be all you need to get started!
* Review README.txt in your new subtheme for a list of build commands.


The base theme references component namespaces which requires the Components module to function properly.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

We also build custom Drupal themes


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