
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

Prius is a Drupal 8 only theme which is packed with the following :

  • SASS because writing plain CSS is just a pain.
  • SMACS to better organise your stylesheet and make their maintenance easier.
  • Suzy in its second release to build a powerful grid system.
  • Breakpoint media queries for your responsive design.
  • Compass vertical rhythm typography.
  • SyntaxHighlighter for the code syntax highlighting.
  • Some Google Fonts.
  • Font Awesome Icons.

You can use it as a base theme or a starter kit.

You can read our blog entry Build a Drupal 8 theme or test it online.


The development of this theme is sponsored by MariqueCalcus.

Need some help?

Feel free to contact us.

Happy Drupal 8!


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

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