Pop base theme

Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

Pop is a clean, flexible HTML5 base theme built with standard practices from HTML5 Boilerplate, 320 and Up and Less Framework. Pop provides a responsible responsive design with a single adaptive grid to support multiple designs and typography layouts.

Integrated with Less grid overlay script.

Build Your Own Sub-Theme

The base Pop theme is designed to be easily extended by its sub-themes. Avoid modify any of the CSS or PHP files in the pop/ folder; Instead you should create a sub-theme of Pop in a folder outside of the root pop/ folder.

Follow the instructions in pop_starterkit/README_pop_starterkit.txt to start building your own subtheme.

Online Reading

Excellent documentation on Drupal theming can be found in the Theme Guide (http://drupal.org/theme-guide)
HTML5 Boilerplate (http://html5boilerplate.com/)
Less Framework (http://lessframework.com/)
320 and Up (http://stuffandnonsense.co.uk/projects/320andup/)


- HTML5 based on initial work from Boron (http://drupal.org/project/boron)
- Less grid overlay script based on initial work from RnowM (https://twitter.com/RnowM)


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