P6 Base

Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

Project6 Base (p6_base) theme is meant to be used as a startup theme for your web projects. It comes with a sub-theme which should be the one to be used. Do not use the p6_base directly.


Read "Installing themes" at http://drupal.org/node/176045, if you are not familiar with installing themes, or need help installing.

Download the theme from the project page at http://drupal.org/project/p6_base to your themes folder. It is usually sites/all/themes directory.

There are two methods for creating a sub-theme for p6_base main theme. The easiest and safest way is using the Drush tool. You can also create a sub-theme manually.

Creating a sub-theme using Drush

  1. Copy the downloaded theme into your site's themes directory.
    i.e. sites/all/themes/p6_base
  2. Empty Drush cache so the Drush command would be available.
    drush cache-clear drush
  3. Run following command to see available options:
    drush help p6_base
  4. Create a sub-theme, using the default options.
    drush p6_base "My theme name"
  5. Or, create a sub-theme with the options you define:
    drush p6_base "My theme name" my_theme --description="My theme description..."
  6. Drush, will create a sub-theme in the same directory as p6_base with the defined options.

Creating a sub-theme manually

  1. Copy "P6_SUBTHEME" folder to sites/all/themes directory.
  2. Rename "P6_SUBTHEME" folder to "my_theme"
  3. Rename P6_SUBTHEME.info.txt to my_theme.info
  4. Rename all the files prefixed with "p6_subtheme." to "my_theme."
  5. Edit "my_theme.info" and "template.php" to do a find & replace;
  6. Find "P6_SUBTHEME" and replace with "my_theme".

Enable your new theme

Visit /admin/appearance page and enable your new sub-theme.


This project is developed by Osman Gormus and sponsored by Project6 Design, Inc., a leading Drupal design firm in the San Francisco Bay Area. Visit us at www.project6.com or contact us at [email protected]


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