Mobile jQuery Theme

Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

About the Theme

The Mobile jQuery Theme is a powerful theme built on the jQuery Mobile platform. The theme adapts some of Drupal's base output to work with the highly themable designs built into the framework.

The theme can be enhanced with the addition of the jquerymobile module for better integrate with core functionality.

Supported Platforms

The theme will be following the standards set by the jQuery Mobile team as described here:


I added a Drupal 7 module that has Views integration, views_jqm and will be proting it to D6 shortly


  1. Download mobile_jquery from
  2. Unpack the downloaded file, take the entire mobile_jquery folder and place it in your Drupal installation.
  3. Now build your own sub-theme by reading the STARTER/README.txt file.
  4. Log in as an administrator on your Drupal site and go to the Appearance page at admin/appearance. You will see your sub-theme theme listed under the Disabled Themes heading with links on how to create your own sub-theme.

*NOTE: The mobile_jquery theme has an entry in the file, 'hidden = 1'
This setting hides the theme from the admin/appearance page. It is recommended
that you create a sub-theme and not use this theme directly. If you wish to do
simply change the setting to 'hidden = 0'.

  1. drush dl mobile_jquery will download the theme
  2. drush en mobile_jquery will enable the theme
  3. drush mobile_jquery "THEME NAME" machine_name will make a sub-theme form the starter kit


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

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