Meta Theme

Only local images are allowed.

A PHPTemplate and CSS based theme that validates to a XHTML Strict doctype which is well suited for a personal blog. The Meta theme is actually 5 themes in one download. Alternate styles include pink, black, grey, and a paper background each with a matching masthead image. Alternate styles/themes/widths are available to the end user via a simple cross-browser DOM-based style sheet switcher. Other features include:

This theme is for modern browsers and is tested with Safari 2.0, Firefox 1.5, Opera 8.5, Flock 1.4, and Internet Explorer 6. Testing for Internet Explorer 7 is currently in progress. The Meta theme does not do the following:

  • Support 640x480 or 800x600 screens without scrolling.
  • Unlike other Drupal themes, does not allow you to move the right column.


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