
CSS-based (tableless) theme tested in all major browsers, including IE6 (IE6 bugs are fixed with pngFix and separate stylesheet file). XHTML valid.

The theme is not overloaded by complex code constructs, it's clean yet powerful and contains several custom regions. The region in sub-header ideally suits textual Views Sideshow block.

Main features:

  • Simplicity;
  • Modern CSS design patterns;
  • 3-2-1 columns auto settings (depending on active blocks in columns)
  • Outstanding style for search form (Search module should be enabled to see this form)
  • Attractive top and left side-bar menus;

WARNING - layout has been changed since 6.x-1.6 version. Browser compatibility has been increased considerably (including IE8). Also, note a few design improvements.

You may contact theme developer for paid theme modification and drupal-theming related jobs.


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