Genesis Webify

Genesis Webify is a sub-theme for the Genesis theme framework.

You must first download and install Genesis 6.x-1.2 base theme and then install Webify.

Note: you must use Genesis 6.x-1.2, this sub-theme is not yet compatible with Genesis 6.x-2.x.

The main difference between this version of Webify and the "Drupify" version is that the Drupify version uses the original tables layout, whereas the Genesis version uses its own pure CSS, content source ordered layout, which is rather the whole point of this - to show that even a table based Joomla theme can be easily ported to a pure CSS framework in next to no time.

The theme only supports a 2 column layout (the genesis_7 Golden Rule layout).

Rockettheme developed and released this theme (its GPL) for Joomla as a tool to aid in learning how to build a theme. I have ported this to Drupal using Genesis - a rapid development theme framework built specifically for sub-theming.

Webify took just a shave over 2.5 hours to port using Genesis - that includes rebuilding almost all the graphics to support the Genesis pure CSS layout (the original Webify for Joomla is table based).

Webify is designed more for learning from that actually using as a real theme. Its a bit rough around the edges at the moment (mainly due to not taking much time to build it) but it serves some purpose to download and de-construct and uses some interesting techniques such as the sliding door header and footer backgrounds.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

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