Foundation Starter


This theme is a Zurb Foundation starter, you can use it to generate your own theme and then uninstall it.

Foundation Starter is a simpler alternative to existing ZURB Foundation, it does fewer assumptions and just provides you the boilerplate to start your new Drupal theme using Zurb Foundation.


* Drush 9.


* Install normally as other themes are installed. For support:

Generating a new theme

You can use the drush command as follows:
drush --include="web/themes/contrib/foundation_starter" foundation_starter:generate-theme MyNewTheme
You can also set machine name and description

drush --include="web/themes/contrib/foundation_starter" foundation_starter:generate-theme MyTheme my_theme "This is my theme"

Your new theme will be placed in themes/custom folder and the foundation starter will be disabled, you can remove it safety after that.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

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