
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything, of course, is 42.
The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Drupal theming, of course, is FortyTwo.

A modern responsive base theme incorporating the latest technologies like Gulp, Sass, BrowserSync and more.

A Drush command is available for easy sub theming.

FortyTwo is Drupal 8 ready.

Now with flexbox

As of the 7.x-4.x and 8.x-3.x versions of this theme we have added flexbox as the default layout method and have removed floats in total. Keep this in mind when updating the theme to the newest versions.


  • Full responsiveness (fluid, adaptive) including a grid background and responsive identifier for theming purposes.
  • A cool login screen (if enabled in theme config)
  • Configurable content and sidebar position
  • Configurable javascript libraries like enquire.js and lodash
  • SASS and Gulp included, including browsersync
  • And more!


For more info and documentation about this theme, please refer to the FortyTwo README or check out this page.


  • Demo theme included as sub theme;

Sites built with FortyTwo

This is a list of some sites built with FortyTwo.

If you have any feature requests, please don't hesitate to add them to the issue queue!


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

We also build custom Drupal themes


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