
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

A mobile-first, reponsive base theme for the Recruiter distribution based on Omega 4.x.

Cloudy uses SASS/Compass mixins and the fluid, semantic, responsive Susy grid to provide a slick out-of-the-box experience on any device.

You can see it in action on and find out more by reading the following blog post:
DrupalJobs responsively relaunches on Recruiter RC1 and Omega 4.


  • Cloudy has been tested with the release 4.0-beta7 and will not work with older versions.


Cloudy is geared towards the Recruiter distribution and its features: Recruiter cloudy includes tweaks for the theme as exported block classes and alter hook implementations. Recruiter menu positions the required blocks into the navigation region.

Still, you can try the Cloudy theme with any other Drupal installation. You will want to make sure that blocks are positioned within the regions defined by the theme and apply block classes similar to those from Recruiter cloudy.


  • dasjo (Josef Kruckenberg) - Theming & development
  • fubhy (Sebastian Siemssen) - Development
  • nodestroy (Dominik Kiss) - Theming
  • Grienauer (Nico Grienauer) - Icons & Design

Sponsored by epiqo.


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