CivicSpace Theme

The CivicSpace theme is designed to help community organizers quickly develop a new style and layout for their site. The CivicSpace theme has a pre-built selection of layouts, and styles so you can quickly create your custom theme.

The CivicSpace theme is currently being ported to Drupal 6.x. It is not yet stable for use on production sites.


  • Layouts - pre-built layouts to let you start building your "skin" on top.
  • Skins - your skins go on top of your layouts and provide the overall look of things.
  • Context Sensitive Help - Navigation links in the administration theme allow you to directly go to a modules administration help page.
  • CSS float - Advanced use of CSS that avoids fixed table designs to allow you theme to re-size to the browser.


Want to customize this theme in a unique way for your website, we are here to help you!

We also build custom Drupal themes


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