
Demo to see how the theme looks in a sample Drupal site Apply theme

Bluebreeze is a clean, neat and blue theme. It has a classic 2 or 3 column liquid width layout with sub theme for fix width.

  • It is based on the great .tpl-file structure of the zen theme.
  • It includes some icons and puts focus on a clean and easy design.
  • It's blue.


I am not actively using this theme anymore. If anyone wants to become a Co-Maintainer or take over the project, send me a message.
Since 2011-Feb-25 theme has no new release. I take this project for further development of Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 versions of the theme. I am also going to be release stable version of 6.x-1.x branch.

Clean up issues queue policy

I am going to clean up all issues of 4.7 and 5.x-1.x branch because these version are no longer supported and there is no point to keep theme open. Only critical and major bug fixes will be provided for 6.x-1.x branch and all other issues of 6.x-1.x branch is also close now.
We need to move forward for new release of Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 branch.

Drupal 7

Please test and report issues.

Drupal 8

I will start work for Drupal 8 branch after release of stable version of 7.x branch. Under development.

Theme is actively developed and supported on developer's off time.
If you would like to say thanks, buy a drink for developer or provide your approval to my 'Drupal Theme' skill (endorsement) at LinkedIn.

Shivcharan A. Patil (Shiv)


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